
by Ecovet
R 255.00

ECO-NEPH is an oral homeopathic medicine which should be used as an adjuvant to support the treatment of bladder, kidney and urogenital problems in animals.

ECO-NEPH is specifically intended to help in relieving:

  • Bladder irritation and weakness
  • Chronic and recurrent cystitis
  • Lower back pain and inflammation due to kidney conditions
  • Acute and chronic nephritis and chronic kidney infections
  • Albuminuria
  • Urine that is discoloured or contains a sediment

ECO-BLADDER Is to be used in the early stages of bladder and kidney disease and together with ECO-NEPH for chronic conditions of the urinary system.

ECO-LIVER For associated liver conditions

ECO-HEAL For additional inflammation support

50ml bottle


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